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Africa (Except MENA) Ghana's Tough Anti LGBT+ Bill Passes Parliment

Africa Related (Except MENA)

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
These people don't fool around.

The Board Chair for the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) Ghana, Professor Audrey Gadzekpo, says activists who are against the passing of the Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill, 2021, popularly known as the anti-gay Bill, will go to the Supreme Court to get redress since the Bill in its current state violates human rights.

Speaking on Accra-based 3FM on Thursday, February 29, 2024, in a recorded interview, the renowned Communications expert said, she was disappointed that Parliament had passed the anti-gay Bill.

The controversial legislation which prohibits lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) activities and criminalises their promotion, advocacy, and funding in the country, was unanimously passed by Parliament on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, after three long years since it was introduced on the floor of parliament.

The anti-LGBTQ bill if assented to by the President will, among other things, impose sanctions on willful promotion and engaging in LGBTQ activities in the country.

The bill proscribed a minimum sentence of six months and maximum three years for persons caught in the act of same-sex activities.

However, persons found guilty of willful promotion or advocating or funding the activities of LGBTQ will, upon conviction, face three years minimum and five years maximum imprisonment.

Related Article: You can't condemn and criminalise homosexuality when adultery and other morally wrong acts are on the rise, says Wanlov Da Kubolor



Gamma Ray Powered
Baby Onion
Once again the selective outrage over something so mild compared to the average for western letter people's BFFs in the middle east, is telling.

I've seen more outrage, hyperbole and screeching about this in the west over the last few weeks than i've ever heard even talked about, in total, over islam and the middle east, on these issues.

Stop Socking Gaylord

Now with 100% Less Socks
Hellovan Onion
God forbid a country rejects globohomo, the west really wants to punish them.

The time of eating da poopoo is over!