Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Debate @Cybertron in his belief and worship of fictional characters


queen opee the great
Hellovan Onion
He really is like mini kengle


Busty O'Queef

Angry faggot
Hellovan Onion
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy, you retard." - some English fag.


Remarkable Onion
Is 11:11 a lucky number? It's weird when you look at a clock and see it. Even when it's not actually
that time of the day. I've had experiences like that. Maybe the clock just had a bad battery but who knows.

This article says it's a superstition, but then continues:

"11 11 is a sign of synchronicity. When four numbers are aligned with each other, this is in sync. Synchronicity is generally seen as a positive sign, a symbol indicating thoughts, actions and interactions are flowing and almost ordained. When things are in sync, like thinking about someone and then seeing or hearing from them, or, having a dream, for it to occur later in time. This is a sign the universe is working just like it should."
"Some believe 11 11 is also a portal or tunnel into a higher power."

A time to make your wishes come true?
There's lots more of stuff about this phenomenon on the internet.


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Is 11:11 a lucky number? It's weird when you look at a clock and see it. Even when it's not actually
that time of the day. I've had experiences like that. Maybe the clock just had a bad battery but who knows.

This article says it's a superstition, but then continues:

"11 11 is a sign of synchronicity. When four numbers are aligned with each other, this is in sync. Synchronicity is generally seen as a positive sign, a symbol indicating thoughts, actions and interactions are flowing and almost ordained. When things are in sync, like thinking about someone and then seeing or hearing from them, or, having a dream, for it to occur later in time. This is a sign the universe is working just like it should."
"Some believe 11 11 is also a portal or tunnel into a higher power."

A time to make your wishes come true?
There's lots more of stuff about this phenomenon on the internet.
Big if true.

The Fool

Remarkable Onion
Is 11:11 a lucky number? It's weird when you look at a clock and see it. Even when it's not actually
that time of the day. I've had experiences like that. Maybe the clock just had a bad battery but who knows.

This article says it's a superstition, but then continues:

"11 11 is a sign of synchronicity. When four numbers are aligned with each other, this is in sync. Synchronicity is generally seen as a positive sign, a symbol indicating thoughts, actions and interactions are flowing and almost ordained. When things are in sync, like thinking about someone and then seeing or hearing from them, or, having a dream, for it to occur later in time. This is a sign the universe is working just like it should."
"Some believe 11 11 is also a portal or tunnel into a higher power."

A time to make your wishes come true?
There's lots more of stuff about this phenomenon on the internet.
Small if false.


Valid = Fair &/Or Understandable
Baby Onion
Lolcow confirmed.

Don't let others use your tulpas.

Magik is reverse psychology.

Coding is for people who are geared towards it.

And I'm a gnostic wiccan.

Oh shit I lost the cap guys.