Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Little Green Scallion - Gertlersphere Christopher Ernest Welke / Cow Poly / Tapper7

Documented individuals who may have a small public presence who are in the Gertlersphere

Cringe E couple both have a thing for Josh Moon.

Tamagachi Rape Festival 2022


Live now.
Everyone is unbanned.
Because Mr. Nicholson & Doc Chatterly are very sleepy employees. Will be taking co-host and third chair and mentally handicapped recurring guest applications after I am done with a smoke break.


I was wondering who this guy was. Seemed to just be a Twitter reply guy who would constantly reply to Elaines posts within minutes. Makes sense his thread is in the Elaine subfourm.

Cow Poly getting blatant with the Sean Walker/Clay unmasking.

"Watch my podcast, guys."

"I'm not talking about myself"

"I wouldn't know anything about that"

"notice me"

This new account isn't cow poly, but has access to a lot of his discord conversations.
Data broker maybe.
I guess you feel the need to remind people about my existence, so ditto
You don't remember me (I get it, heroin is a bitch, innit?)
But I remember you, you fucking faggot
@Cringestorian X
This is my new shitposting thread (barring jannie intervention)
My name ain't dick, so keep it out of your mouth, troon sucking sodomite junkienigger.

VAIDS Victim

So warm and tender was never the night 🌙
Hellovan Onion
Imagine doing a single thing with your life and thinking "naught will be pleased".
spread the rumor that Christorian X was not only fat (addicted to cheeseburgers and mayonnaise), but was also almost certainly abusing meth
Kind of impressive to be obese while on meth. That takes willpower.
Cow Poly harbors an aggressive resentment toward the owner of Kiwi Farms. He engages in active harassment using countless alt accounts often banned after drunk/high spamming chat or profile walls.
Rare W.
doxed his priest
Probably wouldn't be hard, they are local public figures.
A self hating, wandering Jew who embeds himself in the online alt right
I don't think this is the first Holocaust denying Jew I've seen online.

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Imagine doing a single thing with your life and thinking "naught will be pleased".

Kind of impressive to be obese while on meth. That takes willpower.

Rare W.

Probably wouldn't be hard, they are local public figures.

I don't think this is the first Holocaust denying Jew I've seen online.
He's buddies with naught and Blaine? Bet he's friends with Issac too. Dude is making a group of exclusive nonce friends.