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Music Related & Entertainment What're You Reading, Nerd?

Deep Sea Anomaly

weird thing
You like paper?
Bound together?
Got words in 'em?

Wasn't really a heavy reader, but as of late, video games and reading has become one of my favourite pastimes. As such, been going through quite a few books recommended by friends, other internet degenerates and what sounds good from my local hipster indie bookstore. Figured it'd be a nice idea to start a thread up and see what all you lot are currently reading and see if they'd be a nice addition to my library. So let's go:

Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott [aka A Square]

Watched a YouTube video ages ago about life in different dimensions and the part on 2D life heavily referenced this book. Always wanted to read it, found it in a bookstore and picked it up. Pretty fun.


After watching Dark Winds this spring, I've been binging the Tony Hillerman crime novels. They're pretty good, I like the "between two worlds" push and pull that the protagonists have to deal with being cops on Indian land.

Deep Sea Anomaly

weird thing
The Dragon's Bride by Katee Robert

Hot an heavy romance novel written by a woman with a monster fucking fetish. Amazon self publishing is a curse and a blessing.

Slidey Boi

Local Moderator
I'm working on reading Dune, and also listening to the audiobook of Asimov's Foundation. Enjoying both, but I keep finding myself stopping to research further, or re-view previous sections, or just think about what's being said. Very dense thought provoking books.


Reading Michael Crichton's "Lost World"; far superior to the movie adaptation.
Interesting. I felt he was forcing the 2nd book even harder than Hollywood forced the 2nd movie. Didn't Spielberg literally tell Crichton they needed more material for a sequel, and that's how we got the retcon over Ian Malcom being dead?


Hellovan Onion
lost worlds clark ashton smith.jpg

Pretty cool, it's a collection of short horror stories. I heard somewhere this was H.P. Lovecraft's favorite write so I figured I would check it out. I haven't finished it yet, but I like a lot of the ideas in it so far.

Deep Sea Anomaly

weird thing
Called it.

Nonces are a problem in general, though. Not exclusively a trans one. They can be found in all communities. And all communities ought to come together and kick their heads in.


Retired Staff
Called it.

Nonces are a problem in general, though. Not exclusively a trans one. They can be found in all communities. And all communities ought to come together and kick their heads in.
Sure, pedophiles exist everywhere, but for some wild reason they're represented disproportionately in the "lgbt community."
2-4% of the population accounts for an overwhelming number of cases. Weird right?

Deep Sea Anomaly

weird thing
'tis weird, sounds like that's 2-4% that needs necking.

EDIT: Will keep an eye out to see if Money is mentioned in the book and look into things a little more deeply myself. So far though there's been a lot of talk of people way before his time though. Maybe he's been scrubbed from history. And if that's the case, good riddance.

C.S.O. esq


One mans mission to create a better humanity to kill the gods and die in peace. Actually pretty excited to start this one.