Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

Little Green Scallion - Gertlersphere Christopher Ernest Welke / Cow Poly / Tapper7

Documented individuals who may have a small public presence who are in the Gertlersphere

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
At least I don't need to have the doorway greased and get someone to dangle a bacon cheeseburger attached to a string on a stick on the other side just to go room to room.
>hes not a 600lb chad
not gonna make it


Hellovan Onion
Why is it taking Ken 72 hours to hit 3 buttons?
View attachment 51330
Do you guys do anything other than data collection? It took me 10 minutes to figure out the answer to the deleted thread question and how to resolve it.
Do literally any of you serve a purpose other than IP scraping?
he has to make a duplicate forum first :opeed:
I am not reverting anything. I am going to try and upload the file to the file manager and make a duplicate forum to replace the missing content.
he has to make a duplicate forum first :opeed:
This makes me angry in a way I can't convey without going into schizo babble 😀

@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
What is the actual purpose of having 12 (((ladmins))) when not even one of them can convince you that you're being blatantly fucking retarded?

Seriously, you've continuously handed the Xenforo backend to snake niggers who won't/can't even help this very simple project function.