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Non-Country Vegan burgers aren't as well liked as Real Ones...

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Nektar Geist

An Onion Among Onions

"So, has veganism peaked? Heck, a vegan sausage company, reduced its range recently, blaming lack of demand. Meatless Farm, another vegan food company, stopped trading in June. And other companies are struggling to maintain the growth that they and their backers hoped for. "

THey reduced the range because it was shit.

“A vegan hotdog is probably no better for you than a meat one,” says Renee McGregor, a dietitian who works with athletes and is the author of Training Food. Vegan mayonnaise, for example, often contains modified maize starch, sugar and natural flavouring – all processed and worse for you than non-vegan mayonnaise."

Reminder: Veganism is a nutty 20thC idea, and Humans are OMNIVORES.

Trad Cath from LA

Remarkable Onion
Nothing too wrong with plant based meat analogues IMO - its indisputable that plant based food cause much less environmental stress, and they are good source of antioxidants. Two main problems are that plant based analogues tend to be "incomplete" protein by nutritional standard and that they just odn't taste as great. "highly processed" doesn't mean much to me when technically anything you make at home are also "highly processed."

Crimson Fucker

Hellovan Onion
Nothing too wrong with plant based meat analogues IMO - its indisputable that plant based food cause much less environmental stress, and they are good source of antioxidants. Two main problems are that plant based analogues tend to be "incomplete" protein by nutritional standard and that they just odn't taste as great. "highly processed" doesn't mean much to me when technically anything you make at home are also "highly processed."
Highly processed means it's no more healthy than meat. Plant based diets are just as bad on the environment if not more since you have to clear animals habitat just to make farm land, that's not even counting the animals that get shredded by large harvesting machinery. Omnivore is a requirement not a suggestion, even horses and cows eat baby chicks that wander too close like a crunchy nugget so even herbivores eat meat. There are things you can only get in one and not the other so lacking in one causes malnutrition. People that believe there are truly all vegan dieters that are healthy and jacked like the famous ones are falling for the same thing liver king is pulling but in reverse.