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Update on the CWC Trial - Continuance Until February 3rd. Trial Closed to the Public

Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt

Global Moderator
As you may know from the KF the case was transferred to the J & DR (Juvenile & Domestic Relations) Court. I called the Clerk of Court. The trial has gotten a continuance until February 3rd. The trial will be closed to the public and a public transcript will not be available.

I have a feeling that he will be committed to a mental health facility in Virginia. CWC has revealed in a letter that they kept him away from the other inmates in the regional jail which means he was in some kind of protective custody. If this is the case, it's reasonable to assume that they are not going to stick him gen pop in a regular correctional facility.
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Blaine Gaven Ross

annoying skitzo pedo groomer troon
SpergCage Resident
My best guess is that she is being kept away from others due to her transgender status and severe delusions, I can possibly ask someone I know who works in mental institutions to double check a policy but I think it could be a game of telephone and Christine was only in a jailcell for a short amount of time.

If both her and Barb are deemed delusional then it would be unfortunately nearly impossible to determine the truth of anything and investigators would be only allowed to dig and go off what they were told. Due to the unique nature of this case, it could be them just kicking the can down the line while investigators go through his computer.

Since weens have not gotten inside the house(thank God) I think that it might be easy to claim that there is reason to believe the fuzz jacked her shit and are now looking through all the personal contact that he has. It might be a bit optimistic but with how much attention the internet has put upon Christine that this case in particular is being handled quite differently than one would expect.

If that all is the case then I think they have always had Christine in a correctional facility of a softer nature in some solitary confinement where only those allowed in can get in, it would make sense given how severe the delusions are and how news hungry people are about this to keep it all close to the chest.

This would mean that only doctors, staff and clergy have been allowed in and are probably all normies thus no leaks about Chris being in jail like you might get from some criminal who was seeking attention about this as some criminals just seek attention of any type.

Then again this is all that I would do if I was assigned Christine as a patient and I never even achieved my Doctorate, so take that as you will.


Blaine Gaven Ross

annoying skitzo pedo groomer troon
SpergCage Resident


I told you all Null is a bigger lolcow than I am, Spooky is a drama queen, Angry Canadian is a Nazi larper, and that I have tranny magic.

Aizen time.

Christine's Pickles

used to do that more flirtingly
Baby Onion
I'm honestly relieved that they decided to keep the public out. That means no weens, no a-logs, no attention whores, and no bullshit. Are they even going to allow the press to cover this at all, or is everyone pretty much going to have to wait until it's over (if it's even a matter of public record at that point)?

Blaine Gaven Ross

annoying skitzo pedo groomer troon
SpergCage Resident
Everyone pretty much going to have to wait until it's over (if it's even a matter of public record at that point).
This I would say.

It's just the simplest explanation for the matter at hand to simply classify this as a case of two delusionals living in a house together and the state needing to come in and care for them both after they were alerted to the severity of it.
Alas someone on staff will tell someone who will ween eventually or Christine will figure out that she is not in jail nor even prison just solitary of a looney bin and that is why everyone is so nice. That is when there will be more milk produced from the sacred lolcow of the internet, let us just hope it is the sweet milk of the funnies and not the sour milk of the sorrow.

Best timeline is they permit him to come to one place on the internet, Onionfarms, due to Kengle's continued support throughout all of this. I doubt very much Christine will be let back online until she is in a proper home and that can take time to find, people usually 'graduate' from group homes. We see people come and go all the time really, just phases of life for most. However there are facilities where the information is not public. My face and name dox will never reveal my line of work just in case some psychopath blended well and went through our care and has a chip on their shoulder, even if I am just a lowly janitor or the highest doctor. It really doesn't matter, point is, it really just has seemed like this was the case from the beginning and I could not take the internet seriously until the "Lead Investigator" of the "ILJ incident" was done with their god damned witch hunts as I feared Spooky would dox my work and endanger my FUCKING COLLEGES!!!!!!!!!!

I have requested a transfer into a different line of work with the same company so I am not as furious as I should be, but I must say that doxing can affect a lot of shit and when it is done by a bunch of dumbasses on a site that you get banned from it's nigh impossible to remove so I had to do what I had to do in order to ensure my online presence won't affect anyone in a super negative way simply because I'm a local moderator and cannot remove specific things.

So honestly at the end of the day, I'll just put my feet back up on being an internet witch and the creator of @Regina 's first lolcow thread.

Blaine Gaven Ross

annoying skitzo pedo groomer troon
SpergCage Resident
They have not even mentioned this on KF but I am sure they know.
Nah, I mean my ban is a bit odd but I just got a weird kinda luck that brought me to a place where I could salvage the mess Spooky got in. Unless the number of guests shot up and stayed up since I've been here in which case that's fascinating to me.

Also it's my current theory that Allen set up the leaks on ILJ.