Slow drip of content useful for starting threads or adding to existing threads
June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

In the process of being set up

joy reid

  1. The Gays From LA

    Technology MSNBC smears Elon Musk claiming he's "becoming pro-Putin"

    Joy Reid is such a fucking clueless dumbass. Elon Musk has stated multiple times that he fears the Russians want to assassinate him over his space exploration programs and ESPECIALLY because of Tesla. Fuck yeah he's "sad, lonely and isolated". When Russia wants to kill you, you kinda have to...