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June 1, 2024: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames Biden:
June 1, 2024: Elon Musk plans to hold a livestream event with Donald Trump on
June 1, 2024: Kiwifarms: Uploads are broken:

Movie Night

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  1. Adanna

    Nigeria - News Nigerian DJ Rips An Indian Woman Of 18 Million Naira With Fake Promise Of Canadian Visa

    Image Source: A Nigerian DJ in diaspora, identified as Moses, has been arrested by the India Police for allegedly defrauding of 18 million naira by falsely...
  2. The Gays From LA

    Americas US is now just another transit country for illegal migrants who want to move to Canada

    Migrants arrive to the US, realize how shitty it is with homelessness and crime everywhere, so they now want move to Canada instead: If you needed to see one infopic to realize how shitty things are in the US, this is it. This is really ironic to me because usually it's the US that blames...
  3. Nichigetsu-Ohanjin

    Angry Canadian

    One must only read into the actions of both to see the receipts from me on here. Angry Canadian "Totally a Nazi, and not gay. 11/10 documentation, 0/10 behavior Omg he only doxes ppl he wanna bang, dox him back and ban him" - Kiwifarms users A true visionary...